We have experts you can hire to do your Swedish genealogy research for you.

How it works
We have experienced and well-trained staff and volunteers who can be hired to search for your ancestor in our genealogical resources.
We will present research results to you in a detailed letter that includes photocopies and explanations of any records we find.
Once we have established the person's parish of origin in Sweden, it is usually possible to trace Swedish ancestry back in time and we can often look for living relatives in Sweden.
Note: if you are in Sweden and looking for immigrants who came to the U.S., see our För Svenskar page.
We are currently experiencing a minimum 3+ month response time for filling research requests.
Consider a virtual appointment with a volunteer if you need it sooner.
Familiarize yourself with our Genealogy Resources before sending us a request. We cannot guarantee that our records contain the information that you are looking for, but we can usually tell if you have enough information to warrant a search. We will try to direct you to other sources if our records cannot help.
Our fee is $40/hour or $30/hour for Swenson Center members. Consider becoming a member today! A membership could easily pay for itself with just a few hours of research.
Submit request
To hire us, print out the Genealogy Research Request Form and mail it to us along with your payment. Instructions are on the 2nd page of the form.
There are of course no guarantees of success, but when the research is completed, we will send you a formal letter detailing our research and the sources we used, and we'll enclose documentation of anything we find.