Publication Requests
How to use our images in your publication

About Publication Requests
The Swenson Center grants permission to publish from materials only when we are the copyright holder of the material. Limited quotations from materials that fall within the fair use guidelines of the United States Copyright law do not require permission from the Center. It is the researcher's responsibility to determine copyright and obtain permission from copyright owners.
As a matter of good scholarly practice, we request that researchers acknowledge the Swenson Swedish Immigration Research Center as the location of the original materials, even for materials in the public domain.

We reserve the right to charge a fee, separate from the reproduction fee, for the use of our materials in publications.
Credit Line
An appropriate credit line should be included whenever our materials appear in a publication.
For example: Image from MSS P:6 G.N. Swan papers (ph 36) courtesy of Swenson Swedish Immigration Research Center, Augustana College, Rock Island, Illinois.
Donate your Publication
We ask that a copy of the published material be donated to the Center, if at all possible. Most often these publications are added to our library collection as evidence of scholarship produced from our collections.
Social Media
If you wish to post from our collections on social media, it is good practice to provide an appropriate citation and tag the Swenson Center (@SwensonCenter). Appropriate posts may include a portion of a document, for example. Inappropriate posts could include multiple full pages that extend beyond fair use.